blow the whistle - to bring something to the attention of other people in order to stop something bad from happening, strike a chord - cause someone to feel sympathy, emotion, or enthusiasm, set the tone - to establish a particular mood or character for something, face the music - be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of one's actions, play it by ear - to improvise, to deal with something spontaneously, ring a bell - sound vaguely familiar, jump on the bandwagon - join others in doing or supporting something fashionable or likely to be successful, play second fiddle - be treated as less important than someone or something, music to one's ears - something one is pleased to hear about, and all that jazz - etc., and so on and so forth, swan song - a final act before dying or ending something, sound like a broken record - to say the same thing over and over again, chime in - to join or interrupt a conversation, usually to express agreement, to fine tune - to make sth. perfect by making small adjustments,

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