1) Have you got a book? a) Yes, I hef. b) Yes, I hav. c) Yes, I have. 2) Have you got a bike? a) No, I have. b) No, I haven ´t. c) No, I havent. 3) What have you got? a) I have got big black cat. b) I have got a black big cat. c) I have got a big black cat. 4) Co je správně? a) a blue small train b) small blue train c) a small blue train 5) 13 a) thirteen b) threeteen c) thirty 6) Pokračuj: eighteen, nineteen,... a) twenteen b) twenty c) twelve 7) Pokračuj: thirteen, twelve, .... a) ten b) fourteen c) eleven 8) Co je špatně? a) I have got a plane. b) I ´ve got a plane. c) I do got a plane.

Have got


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