1) ______________ sport do you play?  IIII I play Basketball. a) What b) Where c) How d) How often e) Who f) where 2) __________________ does she study English? ///// She studies in the Living-room. a) Why b) How c) When d) Which e) where f) How much 3) _______________ do you study Medicine? ///// Because i want to have a lot of money a) How b) Who c) why d) When e) What f) Where 4) ______________ are you ? //// I'm fine. And you? a) What b) How often c) How many d) How e) Who f) Where 5) ________________ do we have English lessons? //// In the evening. a) When b) What time c) How often d) How many e) What f) Where 6) ________________ does the car cost? //// I think it costs 500.000 $ a) How many b) Why c) When d) What e) Where f) How much 7) _______________ is in this class? //// Araceli, Belen, Ezequiel and Juan Pablo a) Which b) What time c) Where d) Why e) who f) How 8) ________________ students can you see here? //// I can see 8 students. a) How much b) Who c) Where d) How many e) What f) When 9) _______________ does he go to the Operating Theatre? //// He goes 3 or 4 times a week. a) What time b) How often c) How d) How many e) When f) How much 10) _______________ do they wake up? //// They wake up at 9:00. They're so lucky. a) How b) What c) Who d) Why e) What time f) When 11) _______________ does she go to Rock & Feller's? //// She goes on Thursday and Friday. a) Why b) When c) What time d) How many e) Which f) What 12) _____________ do we get to work? //// It is too late. We must take a taxi. a) Where b) Why c) Who d) When e) How many f) How 13) _____________ do you watch "Scrubs"? //// I watch it because it is very funny. a) Why b) How c) Where d) When e) How much f) What 14) _____________ is that on the table? //// I think it is a mosquito Forceps a) Why b) Who c) Which d) What e) Where f) When 15) _________________ does the book "Cardiology in a Heart Beat" cost? //// Around 8.600 $ a) How b) Where c) How much d) How often e) When f) How many 16) _____________ people here can speak English? //// We all can speak English. a) What time b) How many c) When d) How e) Where f) Why 17) ______________ do we have English lessons? /// We have English lessons once a week. a) What b) Why c) Who d) How e) Where f) How often 18) ___________ she watch E.R? No, she doesn't a) Do b) Did c) Does d) has e) Have f) Will 19) _______________ they like "the Rolling Stones"? //// No, they don't. a) Am b) Did c) Is d) Does e) Do f) Are

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