1) The fire ... the house. a) was destroyed b) is destroyed c) destroyed 2) The house ....... by the fire a) destroyed b) was destroyed c) destroy 3) The school .......... summer trips a) is organized b) organises c) was organized 4) Summer Trips ....... by our school every year. a) organise b) are organized c) was organized 5) Mozart ........ The Magic Flute. a) composed b) was composed c) composes 6) The Magic Flute ..... by Mozart a) was composed b) composes c) composed 7) George Lucas ... Star Wars a) directs b) was directed c) directed 8) Star Wars .... by George Lucas a) are directed b) were directed c) directed 9) William Shakespeare .... Hamlet. a) writes b) wrote c) was written 10) Hamlet .... by Shakespeare. a) is written b) was written c) writes

Present Simple & Past Simple Passive


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