beach - sahil, aquarium - akvaryum, amusement park - lunapark, museum - müze, pool - havuz, he was at the beach - o sahildeydi, he was at the amusement park - o lunaparktaydı, he was at the museum - o müzedeydi, he was at the hotel - o oteldeydi, he was at the pool - o havuzdaydı, was he at the beach yesterday? - o dün sahildeydi miydi?, was she at the hotel yesterday? - o dün otelde miydi?, where was your friend yesterday? - dün arkadaşın neredeydi?, no, she wasn't - hayır, değildi, yes he was - evet öyleydi, was she at the pool yesterday? - o dün havuzda mıydı?, was he at the musem yesterday? - o dün müzede miydi?, he's taller and stronger than me - o benden daha uzun ve güçlü, I feed my horse - ben atımı besledim, she sweeps the floor - o yerleri süpürdü, who's taller? - kim daha uzun?, what are your chores? - evdeki görevlerin neler?, when do you clean your room? - ne zaman odanı temizlersin, folder - dosya, lunchbox - beslenme çantası, water bottle - suluk, dictionary - sözlük, calculator - hesap makinesi, stapler - zımba, where is the folder - zımba nerede,

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