1) The balloon with Uncle Jack and the children flew over the ....... ground a) muddy b) sticky 2) What did the snow-making machine drop into the air? a) It dropped ice into the air. b) It dropped water into the air. 3) The water ........... snow. a) turned into b) put on 4) How was the ground? a) The ground was muddy again. b) The ground was white again. 5) Who shouted 'Hurrayyyy!' happily? a) May and Daisy b) Jim 6) Grumpy was ......... a) cold. b) warm. 7) Was Grumpy enjoying himself? a) Yes, he was enjoying himself. b) No, he wasn't enjoying himself. 8) Why wasn't Grumpy enjoying himself? a) Because he was cold. b) Because he was afraid.

Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins

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