es bonito - it's beautiful, es feo - it's ugly, hay muchas tiendas - there are lots of shops, hay mucho que hacer para los jóvenes - there is a lot to do for young people, es limpio - it's clean, hay muchos espacios verdes - there are lots of green spaces, hay basura en la calle - there is rubbish in the street, es ruidoso - it's noisy, es aburrido - it's boring, hay mucha contaminación - there is a lot of pollution, la vida nocturna es fantástica - the nightlife is fantastic, la vida es cara - life is expensive, hay demasiado tráfico - there is too much traffic, está cerca del centro - it's near to the centre, hay mucho bullicio - there's lots of hustle and bustle,

Lo bueno y lo malo de la ciudad

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