1) Choose the noun: My parents met in Sierra Leone. a) parents b) my c) met 2) Choose the verb: I walked home from the cinema. a) walked b) I c) home 3) Choose the adjective: I bought some new clothes with the prize money. a) clothes b) I c) new 4) Choose the preposition: I found my scarf buried deep in the closet. a) found b) in c) closet 5) Choose the pronoun: They walked across the field. a) walked b) field c) they 6) Choose the conjunction: I think, therefore I am. a) therefore b) I c) think 7) Choose the adverb: My parents laughed loudly. a) my b) loudly c) parents 8) Choose the noun: Math is my favourite subject. a) subject b) my c) favourite 9) Choose the verb: Why are you crying? a) you b) why c) crying 10) Choose the adverb: I promise I am never late. a) never b) promise c) I

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