1) Which countries do you want to visit? 2) What is the best way to lose weight? 3) What do you do in your free time? 4) What do you do at weekends? 5) Tell about your dislikes. 6) How can you describe your personality? 7) Tell about your best friend. 8) What is your favourite city? Why? 9) Do you have a healthy diet? Why / why not? 10) I can't sleep at night. Can you give advice? 11) Tell about your hometown. 12) What is your ideal destination for a holiday? 13) Which sports are you interested in? 14) Why are you learning English? 15) Tell about your daily routine. 16) What did you do yesterday? 17) I feel lonely. Can you give some advice? 18) Where do you usually go on holiday? 19) How often do you use your mobile phone? For what? 20) Do you have any pets? 21) How often do you eat fast food? 22) Do you like going to the theatre? Do you remember what is the last theatre that you went ? 23) What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch? 24) Are there any good restaurants in the city? What is your favourite one ? 25) What are you afraid of? 26) Do you read newspapers or do you watch news on the TV ? 27) Where do you buy your clothes? what is your favourite cloth ? 28) Can you drive? Can you ride a motorbike? Do you want to? 29) Who is your favourite singer? 30) What are your plans for your weekend? What will you do?



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