1 - Enumerate as many different religions as you can., 2 - Is religion relevant for you? Why are some people ashamed of being religious?, 3 - Would you say that in contemporary world we still fight against racism? How has the situation changed?, 4 - Do you believe in any supernatural phenomena (numerology, horoscopes, ghosts, UFO, etc.)?, 5 - Are you up-to-date when it comes to politics? Why/why not?, 6 - Is there any political issue in our country or in the world that concerns you? How do you react?, 7 - What do you think about superstitions? Do you believe in any?, 8 - Explain the meaning of 'prejudism'. Do you notice any signs of prejudism around you?, 9 - Why are the discussions about people's beliefs so heated? Do you consider this topic controvesial?, 10 - Are you a type of person who changes his mind easily?,

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