1) Young people are facing an uncertain future because... a) of the pandemic. b) of the political crisis. c) Education doesn't guarantee job opportunities for the future. 2) "Positive for Youth" wants... a) To give support to adolescents. b) To serve the community. c) To help bussinesses and charities.  3) A significant benefit of providing support to the youth is... a) The reduction of delinquency. b) The improvement of local community services.  c) To spend public funds in a better way. 4) What is the main purpose of the text? a) To present youth advantages and disadvantages.  b) To complain about how young people behave.  c) To inform about a program called "Positive for Youth" and its approach. 5) What were young people promised at the beginning of the century? a) All their dreams would come true.  b) If the studied, they would have good job offers.  c) Training opportunities in different fields.  6) What has the economic crisis brought?  a) Unemployment b) Wealth c) Hope 7) What is "On Route"? a) A running competition b) A circuit c) An itinerant program 8) What does the author of the article mean by "the cost of running a bus is low, the impact is high"? a) The benefits go beyond the money spent in the program. b) Maintenance of buses is not very expensive. c) It is not posible to quantify the impact. 

Positive for Youth - Reading Comprehension

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