1) My house is _____ (big) yours. a) bigger than b) the biggest c) the most big d) biggest 2) This flower is _____ (pretty) one in the garden. a) the most pretty b) prettier c) prettiest d) the prettiest 3) Who is _____ (rich) man on earth? a) richer b) richest c) the richest d) the most rich 4) İstanbul is _____ (big) Bartın. a) the biggest b) more big c) bigger than d) the bigger 5) My car is _____ (new) than yours. a) the newest b) newer c) more new d) the most new 6) My mother is _____ (pretty) woman in our family. a) pretty b) prettier than c) the most pretty d) the prettiest 7) Elephants are ______ (large) land animals in the world. a) the largest b) the most large c) larger d) larger than 8) That was my ____________ (big) achievement in my life. a) biggest b) big c) bigger d) bigger than 9) I think cats are by far __________ (cute) animals in the whole wide world. a) cute b) the cutest c) cuter d) cuter than 10) Joseph is the __________ (old) child in the family. a) old b) older c) oldest d) older than 11) This hotel was the_____________ (comfortable) hotel I have ever stayed. a)  the most comfortable b) comfortable c) the comfortable d) most comfortable 12) This Ferrari car is _____________________ (expensive) car in the world! a)  the most expensive b) expensiver c) more expensive d) more expensive than 13) My cousin is _____________________ (beautiful) than my sisten! a)  the beautiful b) beautiful c) more beautiful d) the most beautiful

GR4 Comparative and Superlative Exercise

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