1) How do you get _____ from here? a) their b) there c) they're 2) I keep an extra ____ of shoes at my office. a) pear b) pair c) pare 3) I don't even have one _____ with me. a) cent b) sent 4) It's rude to _____. a) stair b) stare 5) The dance hall isn't ____ anymore. a) there b) their 6) It is dishonest to ____. a) steal b) steel 7) Take me ____ your leader! a) too b) two c) to 8) Would you like a ____ of pie or cake? a) peace b) piece 9) The flowers gave off a beautiful ____. a) scent b) sent c) cent 10) If you paraphrase or quote the words of another it is important to ____ the reference information. a) sight b) site c) cite 11) This field will be the ____ of the new shopping center. a) cite b) sight c) site 12) The dessert was a sliced ____ on a swirl of chocolate. a) pear b) pair c) pare 13) Look carefully and you will see ____ on the shelf. a) their b) there c) they're 14) You can't really buy anything for one ____. a) scent b) cent c) sent 15) Give me ___, please. a) to b) two c) too 16) Because of the bad weather ____ not going to go swimming. a) there b) their c) they're 17) You have to tell me ____ to blame for this mess. a) who's b) whose 18) They say that ____ going to get colder this week. a) its b) it's 19) The person ____ car is in front of the store must move it immediately. a) whose b) who's 20) Don't drink ____ much at the party or you will have a headache tomorrow. a) to b) two c) too 21) He just sits and ____ out the window. a) stairs b) stares 22) The toilet is at the top of the ____. a) stare b) stairs

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