1) He looks very pale and confused. a) He will faint. b) He is going to faint. c) He is fainting. 2) The company is on the verge __________ bankrupt. a) of going b) to go c) to going 3) Somebody is at the door. I __________ who it is. a) am going to check b) am checking c) will check 4) I think Brazil _________ the World Cup. a) will win b) is going to win c) is winning 5) Be careful! You ____________ fall. a) will b) are on the verge of c) are going to 6) The holidays ________ next week. a) start b) will start c) are going to start 7) The economy __________ to recover slowly after the long recession. a) is on the point b) is likely  c) is due to 8) The visitors are ________ arrive at the factory at 10:30. a) likely to b) bound to c) due to 9) Sally _________ John at 7:00 this evening in a restaurant downtown. a) is meeting b) will meet c) meets 10) They rang to say they _________ be with us by 10:00, but then their flight was cancelled. a) are going to b) would c) will 11) The last time I met her, she _________ for a new job in New York the following day. a) will leave b) is leaving c) was leaving 12) We _____________ watch a film. Do you want to join us? a) will watch b) are going to c) would

T6 - Future forms


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