1) _________ is your phone number? a) Where  b) What c) Who d) When e) How much f) Why 2) _________ is your birthday? a) When b) What c) Where d) Who e) Why f) How much 3) _________ it cost? a) When b) Why c) What d) How much e) Who f) How often 4) _________ does the train leave? a) Why b) When c) How often d) What e) How much f) Who 5) _________ do you go to the cinema? a) When b) How often c) Why d) How much e) What f) Who 6) _________ is your favourite fruit? a) What b) How much c) Why d) When e) Where f) Who 7) __________ is your English teacher? a) Where b) Who c) What d) When e) Why f) How 8) ________ are you so sad? a) Where b) Why c) When d) What e) How much f) How often 9) __________ are you from? a) Where b) What c) Which d) Who e) How much f) When 10) __________ is your Italian test at school? a) What b) When c) Who d) Where e) How f) Why 11) ___________ children are there? a) How many b) What c) Where d) Why e) Who f) How often 12) ___________ time do you wake up? a) Where b) Why c) What d) How many e) Who f) When 13) Excuse me, ____________ is  the canteen? a) where b) what c) who d) when e) why f) how much 14) _______________ biscuits do you want? a) How often b) How many c) What d) When e) Where f) Who 15) _____________ is Geography? On Monday, in the afternoon. a) How b) What c) When d) Why e) Where f) Who

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