I am happy., You are nice., He is great., She is awesome., It is suberb., We are satisfied., You are courageous., They are fantastic., I like spaghetti., You listen to music., He talks to the teacher., She speaks to her friends., It looks beautiful., We play hockey., You practice sports., They cook food together., I go to school., You love chocolate., He enjoys rock music., She practices woodworking., It runs well., We participate to class., You work hard., They watch a movie., I drink juice., You clean your room., Bob paints landscapes., Joelle appreciates art., The robot vacuums the floor., We wrap gifts., You hum a tune., The students complete the assignments., I set the table., You wash the dishes., Paul cuts trees., Sheila waters her plants., The dog chases the cat., We build a shed., You drive to the supermarket., Police officers dress in uniforms., I mow the lawn., You plant a garden., Josh swims in the river., Kelly folds some clothes., The cat meows for food., We iron our clothes., You pray for help., The bandits flee the scene., This exercise is easy., You are done.,

Sentence Structure - Unjumble Simple Sentences 1

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