hopefully - wishfully, wishing that something will happen, hand - To give something to someone., guard - Protection of someone or something , financial - Connected to money , goal - Aim, purpose, target., come up with something - To think of an idea or a plan, hopeful - Optimistic, A guide - a book that gives you the most important information about something., Care for - to protect someone or something and provide the things they need., group - a number of people that are considered as a unit., greatly - Mainly, mostly., global - affecting the whole world., carry on something - To continue., generate - to cause something to exist., gain - to get something that gives you an advantage., hole - An empty space in something , function - the natural purpose (of something), guess - To give an answer without knowing all the facts., fully - Completely., highly - To a large degree., frequent - Happening often., fee - An amount of money you pay for something., common sense - The natural ability to make good decisions., guide (v) - To show people around a place., hero - A person who is admired for doing something very brave., frequency - The number of times something happens., faliure - The fact of someone or something not succeeding., come across - To find something by chance., face - Deal with , feature - A special part of something/someone.,
List 4 Band III
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