1) Monkeys are funny. Look at ……... a) us b) them c) him d) her e) it f) me 2) My teacher is miss Mary Brown. listen to …….. a) them b) us c) me d) him e) it f) her 3) My grandpa is clever. Can you listen to ……….. a) them b) us c) her d) him e) me f) it 4) My niece is a student. Give ……….. a book. a) her b) us c) it d) them e) him f) you 5) A bird can fly. Look at ………. a) us b) it c) her d) me e) him f) them 6) My sisters are wearing blue skirts. Can you see …………….. a) her b) it c) me d) us e) them f) you 7) I am a teacher. Look at …………. a) her b) him c) it d) us e) them f) me 8) Birds can fly. Can you see …………... a) him b) me c) it d) them e) us f) her 9) An elephant is big. Can you see …………... a) him b) it c) me d) us e) you f) her 10) My nephew and I are here. Look at …………... a) them b) him c) us d) her e) you f) it 11) Your sister is singing. I can hear ……………. a) him b) us c) you d) them e) it f) her 12) Where are my shoes? Can you see …………….? a) me b) us c) him d) her e) them f) it 13) Where is my T-shirt? Can you see ……………….? a) him b) her c) us d) them e) it f) you 14) Tom is a cat. Look at ……………. a) us b) her c) him d) me e) them f) it 15) My mum and I are beautiful. Look at...……….. a) him b) them c) her d) us e) you f) it 16) These bananas aren't OK. Don't eat ……… a) him b) them c) her d) us e) it f) you 17) Mary can't carry that box! Help ……….., Dave! a) him b) them c) her d) us e) it f) you 18) Listen to your parents.Listen to …… a) him b) them c) her d) us e) it f) you 19) Here is Tom, ask ..... to stay for dinner. a) him b) them c) her d) us e) it f) you 20) Do you know that young handsome man?-Yes, he studies with __________ a) him b) them c) her d) us e) it f) you

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