A: How was the film? B: It was OK, but a bit ____. I don't think the director is as terrific as everyone's been ____. C: Oh, I loved it. It was so ____. When the young girl died, I was in ____. A: It must be popular. I tried to get a ticket for the late showing and it was completely sold ____. A: I didn't see you after the concert. B: No, I left halfway ____. A: How come? B: I thought they were ____ - just really dull. A: You're kidding. I thought it was amazing. There was such a good ____. I enjoyed the music, the light show, ____. B: In that case, you should buy their latest CD. It's supposed to have a lot of songs from the live tour. A: Have you tried the new club on Dale Street? B: Yeah, and I wouldn't bother going if I were you. It's very ____ - full of young, beautiful people. I was wearing jeans and I felt a bit out of ____. A: What about the music? B: Pretty dreadful. It was mainly catchy pop songs, so the dance floor was ____ with teenagers. It was boiling ____ and I was sweating like ____, even though I wasn't dancing much. A: Everyone's raving about the new exhibition at the modern art gallery. What's so good about it? B: It's one of the most interesting things I've seen in ages. The paintings are ____. I can't really describe them or say ____ I like them. They're just different. A: Mm, I'd better go along and have a look for myself.

Outcomes Int - Unit 10, WB p.62 / 1


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