1) Choose an option suitable for the image a) Flood b) Hurricane c) Tsunami d) Landslide 2) What is the meaning of "Aftershock"? a) Artçı Deprem b) Deprem Tatbikatı c) Deprem Önleyici d) Deprem Uzmanı 3) The outside of something? a) Dangerous b) Layer c) Surface d) Force 4) Choose an option suitable for the image a) Pollution b) Greenhouse c) Forest d) Landslide 5) What is the meaning of "Air Conditioning" ? a) Havalandırma b) Klima c) Rüzgar d) Isıtıcı 6) A volcano is a force of nature. a) True b) False 7) We waste too much water. I think we will have water ________ a) shortage b) drought c) circular d) debris 8) What is an antonym (opposite) for dangerous? a) perfect b) cool c) scary d) safe 9) What is the meaning of "Air Pollution" ? a) Hava Akımı b) Hava Boşluğu c) Hava Kirliliği d) Hava Durumu 10) Too much rain usually causes floods. a) Flood b) Eathquake c) Tsunami d) Surface 11) Lightning occurs when electricity comes down from the sky and hits the ground a) Drought b) Volcano c) Earthquake d) Lightning 12) When a volcano erupts it sends hot red lava flowing from its top. a) Forest Fire b) Flood c) Volcano d) Lightning 13) What is the meaning of "Disaster" ? a) Felaket b) Afiyet c) Huzur d) Ziyafet 14) Effects on enviroment. a) genetics b) burns grass for vegetation kills animals c) burns water d) kilss seaweed 15) Which of the following is NOT a type of natural disaster? a) tornado b) hurricane c) car accident d) earthquake

Natural Forces


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