1) Would you like ... tea? a) some b) any c) many d) a few 2) There isn't ... milk at home. a) a few b) many c) any d) a lot 3) I have ... friends. a) any b) many c) much d) a lot of 4) He doesn't have ... money. a) many b) a lot c) much d) a few 5) You eat ... food! a) a lot b) a lot of c) much d) any 6) There are ... books on the desk. a) a few b) any c) ones 7) I don't have ... friends. a) much b) many c) some 8) Is there ... milk in the fridge? a) some b) many c) any 9) Is there ... homework for tomorrow? a) too much b) a lot c) too many 10) He has ... money! a) much b) a lot of c) many



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