1) My bike is _________. a) new b) old c) small 2) The answer is __________. a) right b) wrong c) easy 3) My homework is very __________. a) hard b) easy c) wrong 4) I love my TV! It's so __________. a) old b) small c) big 5) __________ is my favorite subject. a) Science b) Arts c) Math 6) The __________ class is at 07am. a) P.E. b) Geography c) History 7) The __________ class is so hard! a) Science b) Computer science c) English 8) We have 2 __________ classes per week. a) Portuguese b) Math c) History 9) I have __________ and __________. a) 1 grandfather / 1grandmother b) 2 brothers / 2 sisters c) 1 baby brother / 1 sister 10) Homer is Lisa's __________. a) father b) mother c) brother 11) Bolivia isn't in Asia. It __________ in South America. a) is b) am c) are 12) Serena and Venus Williams __________ sisters. a) am b) are c) is 13) I ________ from Rio de Janeiro but my brother __________ from São Paulo. a) am / is b) am / are c) is / is 14) _________ your friends at school? a) Is b) Are c) Am 15) Messi __________ Spanish; he __________ from Argentina. a) isn't / is b) is / isn't c) is / is 16) What's __________ nationality? She is from the United States. a) your b) her c) his 17) Who is this boy with Cristiano Ronaldo? Is he __________ son? a) his b) my c) our 18) Where are __________ parents? My parents are at home. a) his b) their c) your 19) __________ dog is soooo cute!! a) Sophia b) Sophias c) Sophia's 20) Where is Jack? He's at the __________. a) skatepark b) coffee shop c) mall 21) Lucy likes to skateboard at the __________ in her neighborhood. a) gym b) skatepark c) school 22) There is a new __________ near my house. a) movie theater b) restaurant c) store 23) Where's the park? It's __________ the school. a) next to b) across from c) between 24) There is a good bookstore __________ the pharmacy. a) next to b) between c) across from 25) I have to go to that bank __________ the post office and the restaurant. a) across from b) between c) next to 26) Wow! __________ a lot of dogs in this park! a) There are b) There is c) There aren't 27) __________ a Carrefour near my house, but __________ a Walmart. a) There are / there aren't b) There is / there isn't c) There isn't / there is 28) _________ any fruits in the basket? a) There are b) Are there c) Is there 29) Is there a restaurant in front of the Eiffel Tower? a) Yes, there is. b) Yes, there are. c) No, there isn't. 30) __________ any students in this classroom. a) There are b) There is c) There aren't

AV2 Review 6th Grade


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