Allowance - An amount of money that parents regularly give to their child to spend as they choose., Charge - To ask an amount of money for something, especially a service or activity., Get into debt - To be in a position of owing money to someone or something (such as a bank or other lending institution)., Get out of debt - You succeed in paying all the money that you owe., Invest money in - To put money into a bank account, buy insurance, etc. so that you can receive interest or other payments., Keep track of - To be informed or know about someone or something., Monthly budget - The amount of money you have available to spend during the month., Pay back - To return money to someone from whom you have borrowed it., Pay bills - To pay for one's expenses (such as rent, electricity, water comsuption, etc.)., Pay by check, Pay in cash, Pay interest - The cost of using somebody else's money., Pay off - To give all of or the last part of an amount that you owe, Put money away - To save money to spend later., Savings account - An account in a bank to save your money., Set aside money - To save money, for a special purpose., Stick to something - To continue with a plan without changing it., Stocks and bonds - Certificates that are sold to raise money for starting a new company or for expanding an existing company., Take out a loan - To get money on a temporary basis, for example from a bank.,
Money Vocabulary
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