Luteinising Hormone - Which hormone triggers ovulation in the menstrual cycle?, Progesterone - This hormone maintains the thickness of the uterus lining in the middle of the cycle and during pregnancy., Oestrogen - This hormone stops FSH being produced and stimulates the production of LH, Follicle - What does the F stand for in FSH, Stimulating - What does the S stand for in FSH?, Egg - What does FSH start maturing in the ovary?, Ovary - What organ produces Oestrogen?, Pituitary - What gland produces LH and FSH?, Uterus - The lining of which organ is continually shed and regrown as a result of the menstrual cycle?, twenty eight - How many days does the menstrual last on average?, Menstruation - What M is the shedding of the uterus lining called?, Ovulation - What is the scientific name for the release of an egg cell from the ovaries?, Placenta - What organ produces progesterone to maintain the uterus lining if a woman falls pregnant?, Hormone - What do we call the chemical messengers that travel around the circulatory system in our bodies?, Gland - What G is the name for an organ that produces hormones?,

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