1) an academic qualification given by a university or college, for example a BA or BSc, that is given to somebody who does not already have a degree in that subjec a) get a qualification b) get a degree c) get an account  d) get married 2) an amount of money paid regularly by a government or company to somebody who has retired from work a) have a social media account  b) get a new hobby c) get a pension d) get a licence 3) Which is not an action you can do after you're 50? a) get a pension b) get retired c) travel around the world d) start up a business 4) I'm pretty sure that you ____ make a lot of friends in your new school. a) will b) are going to c) aren't going to d) are 5) a large number of cases of a particular disease or medical condition happening at the same time in a particular community. a) gravity b) epidemic c) process d) colonize 6) Your brain will probably get bigger to _____ more information in the future. a) colonize b) epidemic c) survive d) process 7) able to move quickly and easily a) survive b) weak c) agile d) quick 8) to control or influence somebody/something, often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize it a) convince b) persuade c) colonize d) manipulate 9) to take control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and send people from your own country to live there a) invade b) invent c) colonize d) attack 10) Unless you ____________at once , you will be far too late.  a) start b) don't start c) will start d) won't start 11) She ______ buy a new dress. She's very happy with the one she has. a) won't b) might c) might not d) will 12) If he doesn't earn enough money, he ___________.  a) isn't going to get married soon b) won't buy a new house c) is looking for a new job d) will have to 13) Our team _____ win. You never know! a) will b) won't c) might d) must 14) __________ we protect our world, there will be a catastrophe.  a) But b) When c) If d) Unless 15) get stressed a) have a lot of friends b) have a lot of problems c) have some worries d) have a big family 16) If I tell you a secret, _____________? a) will you keep it b) can you eat it c) may we serve it d) could you get it

7th graders - Wheelfortune

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