1) I go______ on Saturdays at the pool. a) simmingw b) swiming c) swimming 2) My sister and I _______ television. a) watch b) wacth c) wahtc 3) My friends and I play______ at the field. a) futball b) fotball c) football 4) My brother has been playing _______ games the entire days.  a) computer b) compiuter c) compute 5) I _______ my bike  to school every morning. a) raid b) rid c) ride 6) My sister rides her_____. a) horse b) hores c) horsi 7) She plays the______ every Monday and Tuesday.  a) pionue b) piono c) piano 8) She likes to_______ story books at night.  a) read b) rid c) reed 9) I have football practice on __________.  a) Mondai b) Mondays c) Mandays 10) I going to _______ with my friends. a) school b) skool c) shcool

English Year 2 (Unit 5: Free Time) by Teacher Hafisah


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