1) With a singular noun when it is one of many things or people you use ... a) a/an b) the c) no article 2) When you talk about a specific thing that everybody knows you use ... a) a/an b) the c) no article 3) When you mention something for the first time you use ... a) the b) no article c) a/an 4) When you speak in general you use ... a) the b) no article c) a/an 5) When you mention something for the second time you use ... a) no article b) the c) a/an 6) With days of the week, months, names of places or countries you use ... a) no article b) a/an c) the 7) Moscow is ... capital of ... Russia. a) the; the b) the; - (no article) c) - (no article); - (no article) 8) It's ... car from Germany. ... car is wonderful. a) a; The b) the; - (no article) c) - (no article); - (no article) 9) Do you like ... cheese? (in general) a) a b) - (no article) c) the 10) My birthday is in ... November. a) - (no article) b) the c) a

Focus 1 Unit 2.5. Articles. The rule.


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