1) I like to help people, but I don't help sick people. I don't help people in trouble. People wants me to draw. I draw tall buildings and I design unique houses. a) An architect b) A builder c) A designer 2) Many people come to visit this place on weekend. They spend their time here with their family. They wear sunglasses and the children wear swimsuits. They swim along the beach and play some fun activities. I have to take care of the visitor. I help people at the beach everyday. a) A soldier b) A lifeguard c) A policeman 3) I love music and I play it everyday. I make a group with my classmates. We play guitar, violin, piano and drum. We have fun so much. We have to perform our group band next week in a concert hall. I'm so exited. a) A musician b) An artist c) A photographer 4) I love to see sunset. I like to travel around the world and capture all the moments. I like to take beautiful sunset. I always bring my mini camera everywhere. It's become the most favorite hobby now.   a) A artist b) A Travel agent c) A photographer 5) Do you Afghanistan ? The situation in the country now is so horrible. There are so many people leave that country. I promise my self to protect that country and defeat the enemy. a) A lawyer b) A soldier c) An artist 6) I like to help people, but I help their animal. I work in a hospital. There are many people come to us everyday. I enjoy my profession. a) A lawyer b) A vet c) A doctor 7) There are so many problems or cases , that the people face everyday. They divorce, kill, and many more. This is my job , I have to help all people in trouble. I need to find the solutions for them. I have so many clients to be helped. a) A doctor b) A vet c) A lawyer 8) I love all kinds of movies, but the most I like is spaces movies. I can see how beautiful the creation of our God. One day I want to visit the moon and Mars. a) A pilot b) An astronaut c) A designer 9) Barack Obama was a number one man in USA several years ago. He's a good one. Mr. Joko Widodo is a good one also. He makes Indonesia better now. He has many programs to help his societies or people to get good life. I want to be like him , I want to make Indonesia better and more better. a) A Pilot b) A Lawyer c) A President 10) Max plays game everyday. He plays several fun games. He wants to write fun games one day. He wants to be a rich man. He bought a new computer to write fun games. a) A designer b) A computer programmer c) A secretary

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