1) The smallest unit of matter is called... a) a protozoa b) an atom c) an element d) why does it matter? 2) The identity of an element is... a) the number of electrons b) the atomic number/number of neutrons c) the atomic mass d) the atomic number/number of protons 3) What subatomic particles make an atoms atomic mass? a) The number of protons and neutrons b) The number of electrons and protons c) The neutrons and electrons d) The quarks and leptons 4) The positively charged subatomic particle is called... a) Neutron b) Proton c) Electron d) Quark e) Anion f) Cation 5) The neutral subatomic particle is called... a) Anion b) Proton c) Electron d) Neutron e) Quark f) Cation 6) The negatively charged subatomic particle is called... a) Quark b) Neturon c) Cation d) Proton e) Electron f) Anion 7) What is the name of the outer most energy level electrons? a) Vadar electrons b) Outer electrons c) Valence electrons d) Outer-what-e? 8) Electrons are located on... a) Energizer batteries b) Energy levels/shells c) Outer shells d) Shells are pretty 9) The columns of the periodic table are called... a) Columns b) Periods c) Groups d) Metals e) Non-metals 10) The rows of the periodic table are called... a) Row row row your boat b) Periods c) Groups d) Metals 11) The group that an element is in tells us... a) The the number of valence electrons b) The number of energy levels c) The number of total electrons d) Um...group? 12) The period an element is in tells us... a) The number of valence electrons b) The number of energy levels c) The number of total electrons d) Um...periods? 13) A positively or negatively charged atom is called... a) Ananion b) Onion c) Ion d) Cation 14) An atom that has lost one or more electrons is called... a) A cation b) An anion c) MEOW! d) An ion 15) An atom that has gained one or more electrons is called... a) A cation b) An anion c) An onion d) An ion 16) Ionic bonds occur between... a) Two or more non-metals b) A metal and metalloid c) A metal and a non-metal d) Two metals 17) When electrons are shared it is called... a) An ionic bond b) A metallic bond c) A chemical bond d) A covalent bond 18) Covalent bonds occur between... a) A metal and a non-metal b) Two or more non-metals c) A metal and metalloid d) Two metals 19) The force that holds atoms together is called... a) A bond...James Bond... b) An atomic bomb c) A chemical bond d) I'll use the force to answer this question 20) A substance made of two or more elements is called... a) An ice cream sandwich b) An element c) A compound d) A substance e) A chemical

Chemistry Vocabulary Review


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