1) A: I hear you lost that new laptop computer you’d bought. B: Yes, it was stolen. I feel really stupid now. I’d still have the computer and all my work on it if I _________ the bathroom window open. a) hadn't left b) didn't leave 2) A: Mum, can I play with my Xbox? B: Yes, go on. What _________ in the evenings if they hadn’t invented the Xbox? a) would you do b) would you have done 3) A: Why are you here? I thought Jenny said that you’d cancelled the meeting? B: Well, no. If I _____________ the meeting, I wouldn’t be here now, would I? a) cancelled b) had cancelled 4) A: We’ve just bought a flatscreen TV. B: But you have already got one. A: No, if we already had one, we ________________one, would we? a) wouldn't buy b) wouldn't have bought 5) A: Gary said that his brother was very lazy. B: Neil, lazy? No, if that was true, I ______________ him all those years ago! a) didn't marry b) wouldn't have married 6) A: Do you have any regrets about getting married when you were very young? B: Of course not! If we _____________ when we were young, we ______________ all our grandchildren and great-grandchildren now. a) didn't get married + couldn’t enjoy b) hadn't got married + couldn't enjoy c) didn't get married + wouldn’t have enjoyed d) hadn't got married + wouldn’t have enjoyed

Mixed Conditionals


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