1) Would you like to pay cash or _____ credit card? a) by b) for c) from d) in e) to f) on 2) I paid _______ the dinner last night? a) from b) by c) in d) for e) to f) on 3) I spent $100 _____ books yesterday? a) into b) for c) to d) in e) on f) from 4) My uncle invested all his money ______ real estate. a) into b) for c) in d) from e) on f) to 5) I don't like lending money _____ the bank. a) of b) to c) in d) into e) for f) from 6) They charged me $120 _______ a haircut! a) for b) from c) by d) on e) to f) into 7) I never get ______ debt. I hate owing people money. a) in b) on c) from d) to e) into f) for 8) I don't like lending money ______ friends. a) from b) into c) to d) on e) in f) by

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