1) _______ my homework a) make b) do c) have 2) ______ up a) get b) go c) have 3) _______ bed a) go b) come to c) go to 4) ___________ school a) go to b) go c) have a 5) _______ with my friends a) hang b) hang up c) hang out 6) _____________ shower a) have b) go to c) have a 7) ________ breakfast a) make b) have c) have a 8) _________ dinner a) have a b) have c) do a 9) _________ lessons a) have a b) have the c) have 10) ____________ lunch a) have b) have a c) have the 11) ______________ music a) listen to the b) listen a c) listen to 12) ___________ my bedroom a) tidy b) tiding c) tydi 13) __________ TV a) watch a b) watch c) watch the

Every day activities


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