Give reasons/explanations: one reason for this is..., another reason is..., this is (could/night be) because/due to..., this probably happens because..., Agree/Disagree: I definitely agree that..., that's right..., to some extent that's true; however..., I'm not sure I agree with that because..., Generalise: on the whole..., generally speaking..., many people think that..., in my country..., Speculate about the future: it's likely that..., I'm pretty sure that..., (fifty) years from now we will..., I don't think we will..., Compare: X is (far) more..., X is...while on the other hand Y is..., there's a big difference between X and Y..., if we compare X and Y then..., Give advantages/disadvantages: the good thing about X is..., the problem with X is..., another positive point about X is..., a further disadvatage fo X is...,

IELTS Useful Language - Speaking Part 3


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