share - to put something on social media for other people to see it, forward - to send email to someone else after you have received it, attachment - a document that you send someone using email., browser - a program used to read documents on the Internet such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, keyword - the word that users type in the search box of a search engine, spam mail - unwanted email, usually advertisements, firewall - a program that stops people from seeing or using information on a computer without permission while it is connected to the internet, cookie - a piece of information stored on your computer about internet documents that you have looked at, bookmark - the address of a web page that is kept on your computer so that you can find it again easily, FAQ - (frequently asked questions) a list of questions that people often ask about a particular product or site on the internet and the answers to the questions,

New Horizons - B1+ - Vocabulary - Lesson 13 - Introduction

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