1) Do you know how expensive... a) ...is it? b) ...it is? c) ...are they? 2) Can you tell me where ... born? a) ...was he... b) ...did he... c) ...he was... 3) Where ... put the clean dishes? a) ...I should... b) ...should I... c) ...I shall... 4) Why ... want to leave her job? a) ...she does... b) ...she would... c) ...would she... 5) Do you think ... wait for her? a) ...we should... b) ...should we... c) ...do we... 6) I would like to know how much ... a) ...it costs. b) ...does it cost. c) ...it cost. 7) I was wondering whether ... equipment hire. a) ...do you offer... b) ...will you offer... c) ...you offer... 8) I wanted to ask if ... options for day trips. a) ...are.... b) ...there are... c) ...is there...

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