What's the name of your favorite singer/band/group?, What is your favourite place at home?, How do you spell your surname?, What is your town/village like?, Where do you live?, What is your favourite TV show?, What are your 3 favourite pets?, Spell your first name., Do you read books, magazines or blogs?, Who is your best friend?, When were you born?, How do you spell the name of your town/village? , What do you do every day?, Describe one family member., What is your favorite food?, What is your favorite sport?, What do you usually do at weekends?, What do you do in your free time?, Who is your favorite actress/actor?, What do you usually drink in the morning?, What are your parents' names?, What are your 3 favourite subjects?, What is your favourite place in your town/village?, What shops do you see on your way to school?, When do you listen to music?, Where in your house do you study? , What is your dream job? , Do you have a favourite English word or expression?, What three adjectives describe you best?, Say 3 things you do in your daily routine., What does your perfect breakfast look like?, What outdoor activities/sports do you do?, What is your favourite sport to watch/play?, What restaurant or shop is the best in your nearest town/city?, What country/countries do you waht to visit?.

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