1) What is the formula for calculating power factor using R-L circuits  a) pf = R/Z b) pf = Z/R c) pf = XL/Z d) pf = Z/XL e) pf = XL/R f) pf = R/XL 2) What is the formula for calculating phase angle using R-L circuits a) Φ = cos-1 R/Z b) Φ = cos-1 Z/R c) Φ = cos-1 XL/Z d) Φ = cos-1 Z/XL e) Φ = cos-1 XL/R f) Φ = cos-1 R/XL 3) What is this formula for? a) Calculating impedance in Inductive circuits b) Calculating impedance in capacitive circuits c) Calculating impedance in combined Inductive and capacitive circuits d) Calculating Voltage drop 4) What is this formula for? a) Calculating impedance in Inductive circuits b) Calculating impedance in combined Inductive and capacitive circuits c) Calculating impedance in capacitive circuits d) Calculating Voltage drop 5) What is this formula for? a) Calculating impedance in Inductive circuits b) Calculating impedance in combined Inductive and capacitive circuits c) Calculating impedance in capacitive circuits d) Calculating Voltage drop

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