1) This black car is … (comfortable) than grey one.  a) the most comfortable b) more comfortable c) the comfortablest d) comfortabler 2) Today the weather is … (warm) than yesterday. a) the warmest b) the most warm c) more warm d) warmer 3) Madonna is … (famous) singer in the world. a) more famous b) famouser c) the most famous d) the famousest 4) Michael Jordan is … (good) basketball player in the world. a) the best b) the goodest c) gooder d) the most best 5) Carol is … (tall) than Robert. a) the tallest b) taller c) more taller d) more tall 6) Tea is usually …(cheap) than coffee. a) the cheapest b) more cheap c) the most cheap d) cheaper 7) It was … (happy) day of their lives. a) the happiest b) more happy c) the most happy d) the happiest 8) We went to the … (bad) restaurant in Kyiv yesterday. a) the baddest b) the worst c) the most bad d) worse 9) She wants … (expensive) food on the menu. a) the most expensive b) the expensivest c) more expensive d) expensiver 10) Tom’s hair is … (dark) than Bill’s. a) more dark b) the most dark c) the darkest d) darker 11) What is ... (wet) month of the year in England? a) the most wet b) the wettest c) the wet d) wetter 12) Is Angelina ... (old) than Sandra Bullock? a) more old b) the most old c) the oldest d) older 13) It is the ... (large) shop in town. a) the largest b) larger c) the most large d) the most largest 14) This armchair is ... (comfortable) than the old one. a) the most comfortable b) more comfortable c) more comfortabler d) the comfortablest 15) Fifi is ... (pretty) than Kate. a) more prettier b) more pretty c) prettier d) the prettiest

Super Minds 3 (comparative + superlative)


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