grey area - something that people are not certain about, usually because there are no clear rules for it (niejasna sytuacja), level playing field - a situation in which everyone has the same chance of succeeding (równe szanse), slippery slope - a bad situation that is likely to get worse (równia pochyła), wake-up call - something bad that happens and shows you that you need to take action to change a situation (poważne ostrzeżenie), fine line - when one thing is acceptable and the other is not (cienka linia), itchy feet - to want to travel or do something different (nie móc usiedzieć), long shot - something that is not likely to succeed (znikoma szansa), raw deal - bad or unfair treatment (srogie traktowanie), sore point - a subject that causes disagreement or makes people angry when it is discussed (czuły punkt), wishful thinking - the act of wanting something to happen or be true when it is impossible (pobożne życzenie), foregone conclusion - a result that is obvious before it happens (przesądzona sprawa), last resort - something that you do because everything else has failed (ostateczność), on second thoughts - used when you want to change a decision you have made (po namyśle), saving grace - a good quality that something or someone has that stops it, him, or her from being completely bad (jedyny atut), mixed blessing - something that has advantages and disadvantages (dobre i złe strony), get cold feet - o suddenly become too frightened to do what you had planned to do, especially something important (stchórzyć),

Headway Advanced Unit 4 IDIOMS

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