My favorite movie, My best friend, Something about me..., Do you like read? Why?, How this pandemic changed my life ?, My favorite place, What do you think about COVID - 19?, Something you would like to do but don't dare, 5 things you don't like about yourself, 5 things you like about yourself, Would you rather online classes or presential ? Why?, Your perfect vacation, 2 careers you would like to be, Would you rather forest or beach ?, Favorite TV show (serie), Best trip you ever had, Make a question , Have you ever stayed in your pajamas all day long?, Have you ever drank soda pop, laughed, and had it come out your nose?, Have you ever spent the night sleeping by the toilet?, Have you ever tried to burp the alphabet?, Have you ever played a trick on someone, or had someone play a trick on you?, Have you ever skipped a class or a whole day of school?, Have you ever sung in the shower or on the toilet?, Have you ever had a friend who shared the same birthday as you?.



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