The Amazon rainforest is in the continent of South America. It is roughly the size of A....... - Australia, It covers a total of nine countries, including Br........, Bolivia, P......, Ecuador, C........., Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. - Brazil, Peru and Colombia, The River Amazon, which flows through the north of the forest, is the s..............-l........ river in the world. - second-longest, The tree canopy is so thick that the forest floor is always d..... Some trees grow up to 60 metres high. - dark, There are about 50 indigenous tr.......... living in the forest that have never had any c......... with the outside world.. - tribes, and contact, Some of the most dangerous animals in the world live in the forest; these include poisonous sn......., fr......., and sp........, as well as jaguars and piranhas. - snakes, frogs, and spiders,

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