drawback - (n) disadvantage, viewpoint - (n) a place from which you see something, blame - (v) to find fault with someone, explore - (v) to find out about a place by traveling through it, fantasy - (n) imagination, unreal, forecast - (n) a prediction of the future, sense - (n) the power of sight, hearing, feeling etc, relationship - (n) the connection between two or more things, people, reduce - (v) to lessen in number or amount, weird - (adj) strange, unusual, automatically - (adv) without a person making it work, evidence - (n) proof, involved - (adj) interested, individual - (adj) as a single person, separate from the society one lives in, natural - (adj) usual, normal, right - (n) something you can ethically or legally do, aggressive - (adj) angry, threatening, majority - (n) most of the people in a group, freedom - (n) the ability to do what you want, without being controlled by others, interfere - (v) interrupt,

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