1) Which one is different? a) Toast b) Sausage c) Pancake d) Milk 2) Which one is different? a) Tea b) Muffin c) Coffee d) Orange juice 3) Which one is healthy? a) Salami b) Chips c) Cheese d) Pizza 4) Which one is unhealthy? a) Egg b) Cucumber c) Tomato d) Croissant 5) Are there_______eggs in the bowl? a) a b) an c) some d) any 6) There is_______bread in the fridge. a) a b) an c) some d) any 7) Are there_______books in the desk? a) a b) an c) some d) any 8) There is________bagel. a) a b) an c) some d) any 9) Would you like to eat________cheese? a) any b) an c) some d) a 10) Can I have________milk, please? a) an b) a c) any d) some 11) There is_______honey in my tea. a) a b) an c) some d) any 12) There isn't_______coffee in the cup. a) some b) any c) a d) an 13) Do you want some milk? ___________. I don't like milk. a) Yes, thanks. b) No, thanks. c) Okey, please. d) Yes, please. 14) My brother likes eating_______for breakfast. a) tea b) pancakes c) coffee d) juice 15) There is ______ cheese in the fridge, but there isn’t ______butter. a) any/any b) some/any c) a/some d) an/a 16) Do you want some olives at breakfast? ______________I don’t like olives. a) Sure. b) Of course. c) No, thanks. d) Excuse me? 17) I’m__________. Can I have a glass of cold orange juice, please? a) hungry b) bagel c) thirsty d) muffin 18) I________honey, but my sister________. a) like / doesn't b) likes / doesn't c) like / don't d) likes / don't 19) Tommy_______pancake but he________cereal. a) likes / don't like b) likes / doesn't like c) like / don't like d) like / doesn't like 20) ___________________? I always have my breakfast at 8.00 a.m. a) What do you have for breakfast? b) What do you want to have for breakfast? c) What do you drink at breakfast? d) What time do you have your breakfast?

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