1) Select the sentence which uses the correct punctuation. a) Are you okay! b) Are you okay. c) Are you okay: d) Are you okay? 2) Select the sentence which uses the correct punctuation. a) I will come and see you. b) I will come and see you? c) I will come and see you; d) I will come and see you, 3) Select the sentence which uses the correct punctuation. a) I don't know the answer, b) I don't know the answer? c) I don't know the answer. d) I dont know the answer. 4) Select the sentence which uses the correct punctuation. a) Is that Miss Ferguson's class? b) Is that Miss Ferguson's class! c) Is that Miss Ferguson's class, d) Is that Miss Ferguson's class. 5) Select the sentence which uses the correct punctuation. a) Have you seen Miss Ferguson's pen? b) Have you seen Miss Ferguson's pen! c) Have you seen Miss Ferguson's pen!!!!!!! d) Have you seen Miss Ferguson's pen.

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