jazz - What kind of music is played at Gatsby's parties?, mechanic - Myrtle's husband works as a(n) ......, ashes - Myrtle and Wilson lived in the Valley of ......, longisland - The novel takes places in L...... I......, yale - What college/university did Nick go?, oldsport - Gatsby calls everyone "O...... S......", invited - Nick is one of the few ....... guests at Gatsby's parties., wolfsheim - This character embodies stereotypes of anti-semitism., bootlegger - Gatsby's fortune is thought to be made because he was a(n) ......., dakota - Gatsby is from North ......., james - Gatsby's real first name is ......., cody - Gatsby's mentor, inherit - Gatsby did not ...... his mentor's money., olafs - St. ....... was Gatsby's college, piano - Ewing was asked to play the ...... while Daisy and Gatsby danced., gatsby - Whose car kills Myrtle?, tom - Who does Daisy side with at the end of the story?, thirty - How old does Nick turn?, pool - Nick finds Gatsby's body in the ......, oxford - Tom doubts that Gatsby has ever attended classes at ......, tie - Gatsby wore a white suit and a gold ...... to impress Daisy., racism - The book 'The Rise of Colored Empires' is a clear example of ....... that Tom enjoys reading., cousins - Nick and Daisy are ......., fitzgerald - Who wrote The Great Gatsby?, tjeckleburg - The giant eyes of Doctor ........... may represent God staring down upon and judging American society as a moral wasteland., westegg - The new form of wealth lived in '...... .....'., appearances - The author and narrator show how Gatsby is obsessed with ....... . He loves showing-off. , wilson - ...... kills Gatsby., roaring - The story seems to represent the American lifestyle during the '....... 20s'.,

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