1) What are the holes on the bottom of the leaf called?  a) Stomata b) Tomato c) Air space d) Xylem e) Waxy cuticle 2) Where are the most chloroplasts found? a) Palisade cells b) Spongy cells c) Stomata d) Guard cells e) Waxy cuticle 3) What stops water evaporating? a) Stomata b) Waxy cuticle c) Air space d) Palisade cells e) Spongy cells 4) Which cells are round in shape? a) Palisade cells b) Guard cells  c) Xylem cells d) Spongy Cells e) Phloem cells 5) Which structure does water travel through?  a) Phloem b) Xylem c) Wax cuticle d) Air space e) Chloroplast 6) Where is chlorophyll found? a) Stomata b) Mitochondria c) Ribosone d) Nucleus e) chloroplast 7) How do sugars move around the plant? a) Xylem b) Palisade cells c) Phloem d) Stomata 8) Which is a product of photosynthesis? a) Glucose b) Water c) Carbon dioxide d) Chlorophyll 9) Which is a reactant of Photosynthesis? a) Oxygen b) Water c) Glucose d) Chlorophyll 10) What helps gases move through the leaf? a) Phloem b) Xylem c) Air spaces d) Palisade cells e) Guard cells 11) What opens and closes stomata? a) Guard cells b) Palisade cells c) Spongy cells d) Epidermis cells

Nat 5 2.5 leaf structure + function


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