1) The new library is huge. The students can now reach to thousands of books and will ______ from so much it a) behavior b) benefit c) consequences d) freedom 2) People from this town _______ tons of pasta every year. a) consume b) motivation c) bacteria d) industry 3) One of the most serious __________ of global warming is the rising sea level a) bacteria b) pick c) consequences d) benefit 4) The automotive _______ almost stopped working as a whole after the pandemic a) gather b) bacteria c) industry d) behavior 5) Davey’s __________ to multitask is really impressive. a) consume b) speech c) ability d) freedom 6) You must keep the house clean to protect yourself from ________ and other harmful things. a) bacteria b) speech c) consequences d) behavior 7) Oceans are a huge _________ information for scientist while working on global warming. a) consequences b) motivation c) source d) behavior 8) After working non-stop for years, we finally managed to ________ the data we need for our experiment. a) speech b) participants c) bacteria d) gather 9) We had to listen a 3 hour ________ from the manager because some idiot made a tiny mistake. a) speech b) ability c) pick d) behavior 10) His _______ towards elderly cannot be acceptable. Has he never heard of the word respect! a) behavior b) source c) diverse d) pick 11) Students need ___________ to finish this class because they won’t be graded. a) motivation b) bacteria c) consume d) pick 12) We will visit a village to help farmers ______ cherries and enjoy rural life for a day! a) participants b) source c) consequences d) pick 13) All the ________ of the game was such great players that we won in five minutes. a) consequences b) gather c) participants d) diverse 14) The region has a culturally __________ population, you can find people from all over the world. a) motivation b) diverse c) consume d) participants 15) We have to make everything we can to protect our _______ of speech. a) freedom b) behavior c) industry d) diverse

W8-Friday-Vocabulary Exercise


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