computer-controlled - it's controlled by a computer , cutting-edged - the most modern technology., decision-making - makes decision, forward-thinking - thinks about what's next, well-known - it is known by everybody, human-like - similar to a human , mass-produced - manufacture many items., romote-controlled - it's controlled remotely , self-driving - it drives by itself. , self-sufficient - being sufficient by yourself. , old-fashioned - Styles no longer common, world-changing - it changes the world. , deep-fried - it is fried in deep oil, good-looking - It looks good, sweet-tasting - It tastes sweet., rice-filled - They are filled with rice, undercooked - it is not cooked enough, homemade - it is made at home, overcooked - left cooking for too long, modern-looking - it looks modern,

compound adjectives

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