1) How does he feel? a) interested b) bored c) surprised 2) Fun fairs are.................. places. a) boring b) frightening c) exciting 3) I feel ................ because I cleaned my room. a) tired b) worried c) thirsty 4) Visiting art galleries is an..................... activity. a) frightening b) interesting c) tiring 5) How do you feel when you go to the cinema? a) I feel happy. b) I feel sad. c) I feel bored. 6) How does your sister feel when she has a test? a) She feels tired. b) She feels worried. c) She feels happy. 7) He feels very ...................when he plays with his puppy. He loves dogs. a) bored b) pleased c) frightened 8) When you get a present, how do you feel? a) I feel worried. b) I feel frightened. c) I feel pleased. 9) When you see a scary film, are you................. ? a) frightened b) pleased c) bored 10) Birthday parties are ___________ for me. a) surprising b) frightening c) worrying

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