1) I have got a headache. What should I do? a) You should take an aspirin. b) Yıu should play video games. c) You should listen to music. 2) I have got a fever. What should I do? a) You should go out. b) You should stay in bed. c) You should eat candies. 3) I have got a cough. What should I do? a) You should drink cold water. b) You should play outside. c) You should eat some hot soup. 4) I have got a stomach ache. What should I do? a) You should eat sweets and chocolate. b) You should get lots of sleep. c) You should dance. 5) I have got a sore throat. What should I do? a) You should drink hot tea with honey. b) You should have cold drinks. c) You should shout.  6) I have got a cold. What should I do? a) You should go put and play. b) You should drink lots of water. c) You should have cold drinks.   7) I have got a toothache. a) You shouldn't eat candies. b) You shouldn't take an aspirin. c) You shouldn't go to the dentist. 8) I have got an earache. a) You shouldn't listen to music loudly. b) You shouldn't go to the hospital. c) You shouldn't have a rest. 9) I have got a runny nose. What should I do? a) You should eat ice cream. b) You should blow your nose. c) You should go outside. 10) I have got a backache. a) You shouldn't lie down. b) You shouldn't take a painkiller. c) You shouldn't carry heavy boxes.

Should / shouldn't


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